Benefits Of Prayer Movement

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim !

Thank God for all the outpouring of His grace to this point where I can write again an article in English. Now I would like to offer you a rarely but very useful infomation about the benefits of the prayer movement for you physically as well as mentally. Surely among comrades still do not understand why should such prayer movement, which started from takbiratul ikhram, bowing, i’tidal, prostration, sit and greetings. The movement is not a movement that is arbitrary, but behind it all there is meaning and benefits are so great. Here are the contents .

The five daily prayers is one of the obligations for Muslims. Shalat turned out to not only be a major practice in the hereafter, but it turns out the movements of prayer is the most proportional movement to the anatomy of the human body. Even from the medical side, the prayer is the storehouse of drugs of various diseases.

During this prayer is performed five times daily by Muslims, have made an investment in health for those who perform the prayers. Prayer movement with regards to the meaning is amazingly good for physical health, mental and even spiritual and emotional balance. But unfortunately only a few of Muslims who understand it.

Here are some of the benefits of prayer movement for human health:

1. Prayer intentions

On meaningful prayer intentions to leave the decision to the heart to pray the totality of our humanity which is always physical and spiritual worship to Allah.

2. Takbiratul ihram.

Posture: upright, raised both arms parallel to the ear, and then folded in front of the abdomen or lower chest. By voicing takbir or Allahu Akbar, then it means that we leave and resigned on all matters that we have done and ask for protection and love of Allah

Benefits: This movement is blood flow, lymph and arm muscle strength. The position of the heart below the brain allows blood to flow smoothly to all part of the  body. When held up both hands, stretching the shoulder muscles so that the flow of oxygen-rich blood to be smooth. Then the hands folded in front of the abdomen or lower chest. This avoids the attitude of various joint problems, especially in the upper body. In takbiratul ihram, we stand upright position of the body, raising both hands parallel to the ear, and then folded the front area of the abdomen or lower chest. This position is beneficial for blood circulation, and to train the arm muscle strength. The position of the heart that is under the brain would allow blood to flow smoothly leads into the whole body. At the time raised both hands, shoulder muscles are stretched so that the flow of blood containing rich-oxygen will move smoothly. Then on both hands brought together closer to the front or chest area .This movement is to avoid of all kinds of joint problems, especially in the upper body.

3. Bow.

Posture: The perfect bow marked a straight spine so when placed in a glass of water on the back will not be spilled. Head position with the spine straight. In this position, the man representing the worship of angels who always worship God in this position by consistently and animals always stand in their four feet below them. Bowing interpret majesty of the Creator with the whole universe that always hang ourselves as human beings is creature the weak and did not have anything to mention “Subhana robbial ‘adzim” .. for always trying to instill Godly values in our hearts and when we looked up of bowing then we will obtain the grace of God by repeating Allah the great.

Benefits: This posture is to maintain the perfection of the position and function of the spine (vertebrae corpus) as a buffer body and nerve centers. Heart position parallel to the brain, the maximal blood flow in the middle of the body. At the position of bowing where that perfect bow marked the spine is straight so that when placed on the back of a glass of water then the water will not spill. Then the position of the head should be straight as straight as the spine. Bowing movement is beneficial for keeping the shape perfect position and function of the spine (vertebrae corpus) as a way to support the body and central nervous system. The position will align with the heart of the brain, so that blood can flow optimally in the middle of the body. Then the hands are resting on the knee will serve to relax the muscles of the shoulder to bottom, except that the bow is bladder training to prevent prostate disorders. Hand resting on the knee function of relaxation for the muscles shoulder to bottom. In addition, the bow is bladder training to prevent disruption of the prostate.

4. I’tidal

Posture: Wake up from the bow, the body back upright after, raised both hands as high as the ears.

Benefits: Itidal is a variation of posture after bowing and before prostration. The motion stood hunched standing bow down is exercise good digestion. Digestive organs in the abdomen experienced massage and relaxation alternately. In effect, the digestion becomes more smoothly. In i’tidal position or get up from bowing, which the body re-enforced, then raised both hands as high as the ear helpful to train our digestive tract where the organs contained in the abdomen will experience a massage and relaxation alternately and affect digestion.

5. Prostration

Posture: Prostration by putting both hands, knees, toes, and forehead on the floor.

Benefits: On the motion of prostration in which we will prostrate by putting both forehead, forehands, knees and ujung kaki on the floor. Prostration movement is beneficial to drain the lymph and pumping leads to the armpits and neck. Then for the position of the heart that are above the brain causing the brain to be fed oxygen-rich blood. Blood flow to the brain will affect a person’s thinking. Therefore, do prostrations with tuma’ninah, do not be in a hurry so that blood can fulfill all the spaces in the brain. In prostration also would avoid disruption of hemorrhoids. Especially for women, the bow and prostrate have extraordinary benefits for fertility and health of the female organs
lymph flow pumped into the neck and armpits. The position of the heart over the brain causes oxygen-rich blood to the brain flowing or circulating maximum. This flow effect on a person’s thinking. Therefore, do prostrations with tuma’ninah not to run – so that the blood rushed insufficient capacity in the brain. This posture is also avoiding disruption of hemorrhoids. Especially for women, both bowing and prostrating to have tremendous benefits for fertility and health of the female organs.

6. Sit

Posture: There are two kinds of sitting, namely iftirosy (tahiyyat early) and tawarruk (tahiyyat end). The difference lies in the position of the feet.

Benefits: When iftirosy, we rely on the groin that are connected with nerve Ischiadius. This position to avoid pain in the groin that often causes the sufferer unable to walk. Sitting tawarruk very good for men because the heel to suppress your bladder (urethra), male sex glands (prostate) and channel vas deferens. If done. correctly, posture IRFI prevent impotence. Variations in the position of the feet on iftirosy and tawarruk helped cause the entire limb muscles stretched and then relaxed again. Harmonic motion and pressure is keeping. Flexibility and strength organs of our movement in a sitting position consists of two kinds, namely begining tahiyat and ending tahiyat. The difference in the position of her feet. This movement which time iftrosy or tahiyya beginning where we rely diarea groin linking with nerve nerve Ischiadius. Tahiyyat initial position will also avoid pain in the groin that often causes the sufferer unable to walk. Then in a sitting position or tahiyyat end tawarruk have excellent benefits for men because the heel will suppress your bladder (urethra), male sex glands (prostataa) and channel vas deferens. If it can be done properly then this position may prevent impotence. The soles position of the feet on iffirosy and tawarruk will cause the entire limb muscles will also be stretched and relaxed again. Harmonious motion and pressure is what will keep the strength and elasticity of the organs of our body movement.

7. Regards

Movement: Rotate the head to the right and left to the fullest.

Benefits: Muscles relaxation around the neck and head improve blood flow in the head. This movement to prevent headaches and keep the facial skin firmness. Continuous worship manner is not only nourish the faith, but women beautify themselves outside and inside. In regards movement where we rotate the head pointing to the right and left maximally useful to relax the muscles in the neck and head area will optimize blood flow in the head. This movement can also prevent the occurrence of headaches and will be maintaining firmness on the skin.

If you perform it correctly and slowly and also sincere and patient, you will get the benefits of the prayer movement,  may God bless you.

This is the prayer times you can use to do the prayer five times daily.


Shalat dapat mencegah kepikunan, karena gerakannya meningkatkan brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Yakni sejenis protein yang berfungsi menguatkan neuron. Otak yang mengandung banyak BDNF mampu menampung lebih banyak informasi. Bila shalat dilakukan dengan terburu-buru maka akan memperberat kerja jantung dan paru-paru. Karena itu, lakukanlah sahalat dengan tenang. Peregangan otot perut saat sujud dan rukuk memperlancar sistem pencernaan karena organ pencernaan dalam perut mengalami pemijatan dan pelonggaran secara bergantian.

Sumber : Majalah Ummi No.2/XXI/April 2010/1431

16 thoughts on “Benefits Of Prayer Movement

  1. Nice, gerakan sholat memang banyak manfaat, asal ada tuma’ninah juga ya kan mas, kalo sholatnya grusa-grusu yang penting selesai tapi tidak dinikmati, sholatnya insyaallah bukan lagi tanha anil fahsyai wal munkar. 🙂 eh

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tepat sekali mas Rizza, diusahakan ada tuma’ninah agar ada manfaat bagi kesehatan pelakunya dan juga agar menjadi ibadah yang bermakna baginya untuk kehidupan dunia dan akhirat. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Assalaamu’alaikum wr.wb. mas AR Syamsuddin

    Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
    Laailaaha illahu wa Allahu Akbar
    Allahu Akbar walillaahil hamd.

    Selamat Menyambut Aidil Adha 1437 Hijriyyah. Semoga takbir yang bergema membawa seribu keberkatan bersama-sama erti pengorbanan sebenar.

    Salam Aidil Adha, maaf zahir dan bathin dari Sarikei, Sarawak.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wa’alaikum salam wr.wb. mba Fatimah
      Terima kasih mba Fatimah atas kunjungannya dan juga takbir yang menyemarakkan kebesaran dan keagungan Allah Subhanahu wata’ala menyambut hari raya besar umat Islam ini. Semoga di hari Idul Adha ini kita bisa memetik ibrah dan makna yang sesungguhnya dari suri tauladan dan pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim dan Ismail as dalam mento’ati perintah Allah subhanahu wata’ala.
      Salam Idul Adha 1437 Hijriyah kembali buat mba Fatimah sekeluarga, maaf lahir dan batin dari saya di Dompu-NTB.


  3. Alhamdulillah, setiap yang Allah tunjukkan kepada hamba-NYA tentang perbuatan dan amalan yang baik pasti ada manfaat, tidak ada sesuatu pun yang memudharatkan. Bersyukurlah kita atas kurnia solat tersebut. Semoga dirahmati Allah selalu mas AR Syamsuddin atas kongsian ini.

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    1. Iya betul sekali mba Fatimah, kita sesama muslim sudah semestinya suka saling ingat-mengingatkan akan kewajiban shalat ini, dan juga agar kewajiban yang satu ini tidak sampai kita lalai dalam melaksanakannya. Semoga catatan singkat ini bermanfaat untuk mengingatkan kita, amien.


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